Frozen Shoulder Medical Massage

As a soft tissue shoulder specialist, I help clients regain full use of their injured arm. This is quickly accomplished by eliminating their rotator cuff injury with my joint specific therapy.
When the intra-joint tension (or tightness in the joint) is removed by lengthening all of the surrounding tendons and ligaments, the grinding pressure on the injured tendon, nerves, bursa, and cartilage stops. 

With my precise work, experience normal healthy space within your shoulder joint capsule and full mobility. These shoulder treatment protocols are very focused. My clients avoid surgery, shots, prolonged physical therapy which may prove ineffective and the use of various medications.
If you are suffering with frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capsulitis, at times causing complete immobility and pain in your shoulder joint, this debilitating condition is also resolved with my work.

No Joint Pressure – No inflammation – No Calcification – Rapid Rotator Cuff Recovery

If you have pressure, inflammation and calcification within the soft tissue of your shoulder, I resolve these imbalances by focused lengthening of your posterior rotator cuff tendons and all of the tendons, ligaments and muscles surrounding your entire shoulder joint.
The calcification of your tendons
(if any-calcificic tendonitis) is broken down as a part of my treatment.
If you have a partial rotator cuff tear and joint tightness, or simple joint tightness and pain, my specific therapy creates the correct muscle, tendon and ligament lengthening for rapid shoulder recovery. 
Your shoulder can quickly recover with my specific soft tissue work. Rotator cuff tendonitis affects the tendons and muscles that move your shoulder joint. Tendonitis means your tendons are shortened, inflamed and irritated.

My treatment provides lasting results. The loss of mobility and pain you are experiencing will soon be a distant memory.

Ready to start getting some relief now?  Call Now (832) 639-3945

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